My Two Favorite High Protein Meatball Recipes
I’ll try to keep my meatball sales pitch brief - they’re a comforting, affordable, high protein option that can be easily be made more nutrient dense without sacrificing that crowd-pleasing comfort food factor. I don’t have a lot of friends who are into fitness to the extent that I am, so it’s a priority for me to make food thats in alignment with my athletic goals but still tasty in the eyes of friends who couldn’t care less about the macronutrient breakdown of a meal.
A note on the type of pasta - people ask me frequently what my favorite alternative pasta is (i.e. chickpea based, lentil based, whole wheat, rice). The answer is none - nothing beats a good white flour pasta. I am a fan of many alternative breads, crackers and tortillas but gluten free pasta just doesn’t do it for me (well, besides Banza mac and cheese - that bean mac is really the best).
I prefer to have good quality white flour pasta - just less of it and topped with a hearty sauce like either of the following recipes. A big serving of vegetables on the side makes this a really rounded meal without sacrificing quality pasta.
#1. Sweet and Spicy Baked Meatballs
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
This has been my fallback meatball recipe for the longest time. I love that it requires minimal mincing/chopping (just the garlic!). Also, all of the ingredients are relatively shelf stable which makes it a great fallback for weeks when you don’t make it to the grocery store as planned.
1 lb ground meat of choice (I tend to opt for beef or turkey)
2 TB sriracha of choice (they make paleo sriracha, for example)
1 TB apple cider vinegar
1 tsp garlic, minced
1/4 tsp salt
dash black pepper
2 TB starch (like cornstarch or similar)
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1 whisked egg
Pasta and sauce of choice - my favorite store bought sauce is Rao’s Arrabbiata. I always look for one without added sugar (you’d be surprised how many marinara sauces have it!). Newman’s Own and Trader Joe’s also have some great options without added sugar.
Preheat oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit
Place all ingredients in a mixing bowl or stand mixer, except the egg.
Mix all items thoroughly. If using a stand mixer, use the paddle attachment and a low speed.
Add the egg last.
Roll the meat into golf ball sized balls (or a little smaller)
Bake for 12-14 minutes (they shouldn’t be completely cooked yet)
Add marinara sauce of choice to a deep frying pan or sauce pan. Heat over medium and add meatballs, simmer for 12-15 minutes.
Serve with pasta, parmesan, and a side vegetable of choice.
#2. Stovetop Spiced Spinach Meatballs
So much spinach you can see it, but the spinach flavor isn’t overwhelming. This is such a good source of iron too! Extra great for those of us who menstruate.
This is a newer addition to my meatball rotation, but it might be my new favorite. I love that this one incorporates a respectable amount of spinach into the meatball itself! You can still serve a vegetable on the side, but if you don’t have time you will definitely be sneaking in a good serving of vegetables without even noticing. That said, it is just slightly more labor intensive than the first recipe. Not too hard though, theres absolutely no chopping involved!
1 egg, whisked
1/2 cup grated parmesan (use parmesan reggiano if you’re lactose intolerant - it’s lactose free!)
1 cup minced spinach (if you have a food processor, use it! Kale will also work here.)
1/4 cup almond flour (could substitute bread crumbs here)
3+ cloves garlic, minced (I use about 5)
1 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp fennel seeds (can find huge bags for cheap if your store has an Indian foods section!)
3/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes (add another dash or two if you want em spicier)
1 lb ground beef (or meat of choice - bison works well and tends to be leaner for the flavor)2 TB olive oil
Combine all sauce ingredients - besides meat and oil.
As always, if you’re like me prep all the ingredients beforehand!
In a large mixing bowl, combine all SAUCE ingredients (not the meat, olive oil, pasta or sauce)
After thoroughly combining all of those ingredients, add meat and use your bands to incorporate well.
Form about 12 large meatballs.
Place a Dutch oven or other heavy pan with a lid over medium high heat. Add the olive oil.
When olive oil is heated, place the meatballs on the bottom of the pot in a single layer. Be careful to not overcrowd. You can do this in multiple batches if necessary.
Turn periodically until you’ve browned all sides - it’s not important to cook them through just yet. Be sure to scrape the brown crispy parts off the pan (for flavor!). This process takes about 5-8 minutes. Closer to 5 if you let the oil adequately hot first.
Set the meatballs on a paper towel lined-plate and drain most of the oil from the pan. Leave just 1-2 tablespoons.
Reduce heat and add the marinara sauce to the pot. Warm the sauce through, then add the meatballs back in. At this point, make sure the heat is on very low. Cover the meatballs and cook for 30-40 minutes.
Meanwhile, prepare the pasta and your vegetable side!
Serve with more parmesan to taste.